
The Messente for Salesforce application contains two permission sets, "Messente for Salesforce Admin" and "Messente for Salesforce".

Messente for Salesforce Admin

This permission set should be assigned to administrators who need access to the configuration application to manage the connection to Messente. This will most likely align with your System Administrators only.

Messente for Salesforce

This permission set should be assigned to users who need access to view and report on stored messages that are sent and received by the application.

Assigning Permission Sets

The easiest way to assign a permission set is to find the Permission Set in "Setup" -> "Permission Sets" and to choose the permission set you want to assign. in the image below you can see we have selected the "Messente for Salesforce Admin" permission set.

Permission Set overview screen

You should then click then "Manage Assignments" button highlighted by the red arrow in the previous image. This will then present a list of the current users assigned to this permission set. As we have only just installed the application, this list will be empty as shown below.

Currently assigned users to the permission set.

Press the "Add Assignment" button to be displayed a list of users that you can choose to assign the permission set to. You can see in the following image I have selected a single user. Once you have selected all the relevant users, press the "Next" button.

Selecting users to assign the permission set to

You can then choose to set an expiry on the permission set if it is needed. We recommend for the Messente for Salesforce application no expiry is chosen, as shown in the image below. Press "Assign" to finish assigning the permission set to the selected users.

Selecting an expiration date for the permission set assignment

You will then be presented with a summary screen of the assignments made as shown below. Pressing "Done" will return to you to the current assignments screen wehere you will see the updated assignment list.

Assignment summary
Updated permission set assignments

Once you have assigned the permission sets appropriately, (and assuming you have the Messente for Salesforce Admin permission set as an administrator) you can now configure the connection to Messente through the Messente for Salesforce user interface.