Page layout configuration

The Messente for Salesforce application includes the ability to send messages from the record layout in Salesforce, as well as record messages that have been sent and update the status of those messages. To allow users to send messages from records, or to view the messages that have been sent, the appropriate items must be added to the page layouts.

Sending Messages from the Record Layout

You can configure your Account, Contact and Lead Lightning Record Pages to allow sending of messages directly from the record layout using our out of the box messaging component. On any of these pages, simply drag and drop the component on to the lightning page layout. To do this on a Lead, for example, visit the record page you wish to edit, and click "Edit Page" in the "Setup" menu as shown in the screen below

Edit page option in the Setup menu

The Lightning App Builder will open, and you can drag and drop the Messente Send Message component onto the page for your users to use. You can find the component at the bottom of the component list on the left of the screen as shown in the follwing image

Locating the Send Message component

Simply click and drag the component from the list onto the page. In the following image you can see we have placed the componet at the top of our side panel.

Placing the component on the page and configuring it

In the component details on the right, we have the option to enter the name of the field that will hold the mobile phone number on this object for it to be automatically retrieved. In the image above, it is the "MobilePhone" field on the Lead object. There is a checblox that allows us to toggle whether we want to display the Viber message sending user interface as well in the component. Once you have configured the layout as desired, press the "Save" button in the top right of the screen. If this is the first time you have changed this layout, you may be asked to activate the layout for your users as shown below

Activation prompt for the lightning page layout

Choose "Activate" and then select how you wish to set this page as the default - for the entire Org, for a specific App, or to a specific combination or App, Record Type and Profile. We will choose fot his example to set as the Org Default.

Choosing the defaulting behaviour for the layout

You will then be asked to select form factors you wish the layout to apply to, either Desktop, Phone, or both. We are again going to choose both in this example, as shown below

Assigning form factors for the page

You will be presented a review screen for the selections you have made and can press "Save".

Confirming the layout assignment

Once this is complete, press the back arrow in the top left of the screen and you will be returned to the Lead record (or whichever object you were configuring the page for) and see the component on the screen in the location you selected as shown below.

Updated page layout

You can see here that the layout is updated as we specified and that the mobile number from the record is being pre-populated into the component for sending. You can now send messages from a record. For more information see "Sending messages from a record".

Viewing Messages - The Messages Related List

Users can view sent messages related to an Account, Contact or Lead through the Messages related list when added to a page layout. To add the related list, open the relevant object in Object Manager using either the Setup menu or by opening a record of the correct type and selecting "Edit Object" in the onb page setup menu as shown in the follwing image

Opening the Object Manager using the Edit Object link

Once in the Object Manager, select "Page Layouts" from the side menu and open the page layout you wish to add the related list to. Not that if multiple layouts are available you can press the "Page Layout Assignment" button to see which layouts are used by which profiles in the system.

Selecting a page layout to edit

When the page layout has been opened, choose "Related Lists" from the side menu at the top of the editor and then click and drag the "Messages" related list to the page as indicated by items (1) and (2) in the follwing image.

Adding the related list to the layout

Once the list has been added you can configure which fields and buttons are displayed by pressing the wrench/spanner icon highlighted in the previous image as point (3). We recommend the following configuration for fields and hiding all buttons as shown in the following screenshots.

Choosing fields to display
Hiding buttons on the related list

Click "OK" and then click "Save" in the top left of the editor screen. You may be asked if you wish to overwrite user's customizations to which you should select "Yes".

Overwiting customizations confirmation

Once this is done the related list should be added to your page layout. Refreshing your original page should show the related list as highlighted below. If the list does not show, you may need to clear the cache (best done by logging out and then logging in again) or you may need to edit the Lightning Page Layout and verify the related list component is on the page. To do this, follow the above steps for adding the Messente compone t in "Sending Messages from the Record Layout" but instead of adding the "Send Message" component, add the standard "Related List - Single" component and set the "Related List" field to be "Messages"

Related list added to record page

Your users are now able to see the messages that they have sent. See the support articles in the "Sending messages" category to send messages from Salesforce and populate the related list.